Unleash your potential with business agility

We support you in using business agility to make the world of work more attractive despite high volatility and uncertainty, to retain and attract talent – and to make the world of work a better place overall.

We are at the beginning of a digital era, but we often run organizations as if we were still in the industrial age. Many organizations are struggling to adapt their traditional business and working models to the disruptive dynamics of this new era. As a result, the demands on their managers and employees are changing in a way that makes the direct transfer of management approaches from the industrial age to the digital age impossible. This applies to all companies and organizations.

Most organizations are increasingly overwhelmed by the massive complexity and hyper-volatility of the digital age and have long realized that they need to become more adaptable in today’s fast-paced world. Caught between the thinking and action approaches of Taylorism and the digital era, they find it difficult to adequately adapt their working methods.

In our consulting work, we often hear about isolated attempts with agile approaches: “We tried agile … but it didn’t work!” Or: “We have it with OKR (Objectives and Key Results) tried! … Didn’t succeed – it was work on top!” And: “We are not Google.” The selective and isolated introduction of an agile methodology such as Scrum or Kanban is often nothing more than a fig leaf to be able to say: “We are agile!”

Isolated agile approaches often do not fulfill their promise of making the entire company more adaptable. What is needed is a coherent and consistent approach that involves the entire company in the transformation journey and helps to improve the business agility of the entire organization. The entire organization, including the people involved, must change collectively and synchronously.

At the same time, it is difficult for some managers and organizations as such to draw the right conclusions from this new reality – but there is no going back to “business as usual”. That is why business agility is a “compulsory event” – only the time at which you start is optional.

It is important to understand what requirements a successful transformation entails and how you can overcome the obstacles in order to improve your company’s business agility holistically and sustainably. To make the world of work more attractive despite high volatility and uncertainty, to retain and attract talent – and to make the world of work a better place overall.